'Do you have a crush on every boy, Mulder?' 'Yes!'

Jan 14, 2008 22:06

I sent in my last two grad school applications today! I have to make sure that all my recommendations get in moderately close to (i.e., not too far after) the deadline, but other than that, I've basically done all I can. Now's just the time to sit back and wait. I'm really gunning for Temple's Department of Religion now, because I've had a lovely time talking to their professor who's volunteered to be my advisor.

At any rate, I'll know the answer in the next couple months, and we'll see were we go from there.

We just got to the second season of the X-Files. Boy, Gillian Anderson is so pregnant. And it looks good on her! It's such a time warp to hear people talk about the Human Genome Project and gene therapy like they're science fiction. (Oh, everyone, please stop calling him 'Fox', it's just embarrassing.)

Now, in lieu of real content, it is time to participate in a silly fandom meme!
1. Comment to this post with the name of a character that I write.
2. I will reply with the following information:

a. Something I like about the character
b. Something I don't like about the character
c. My favorite pairing for the character
d. A bit of my own fanon for the character
e. When/how I plan to write the character next

the truth is out there, fandumb

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