Woot! Woot! Kadaj is ma' babies daddy! XD

Jan 03, 2008 02:36

Why? This quiz says so! :P (yes I know FF7 AC characters don't exist, but it's fun to pretend, right? :P)

Final Fantasy VII Babies Daddies! (girls only, long results)

Kadaj is the Father!You knelt on the floor before him. You summon up almost every once of strength you have, and speak to him. "I'm pregnant."Kadaj's feature's hardened, "Get rid of it. I don't care how you do it, I just want it gone."You felt tears sting at your eyes, and tasted salt. "It's not all my fault, it's a two part thing!""You should've stopped me!" Kadaj spat back."You were clouding my judgment!" You snap, standing up and glaring at him."How?" He snarled."By, um." You start, suddenly embarrassed. "Well, your antics were clouding my judgment.""Get out!" Kadaj yelled."Fine!" You screamed, and stomped out of the room. "I never want to see your face again."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You stared at the little girl, sleeping soundly in her cradle. She had silver hair and deep black eyes. You smile at her, and stared at the sampler your Grandmother made for you. It had the baby's name, Sae, on it, date of birth, height, and weight. "Calyx, I'm sorry about my reaction." Kadaj said from behind you."Get out, Kadaj." You whispered.He turned you around, roughly, and made you stare into his eyes. "No, I won't! I have to take responsibility for my actions!" Sae started to cry, and you broke free from Kadaj's grip. You picked up Sae."Shh, sweetheart, Mommy's here." You shushed and rocked the infant, and her crying refused to cease!Kadaj gently pried Sae away, and rocked her in his leather clad arms, and rocked her gently. "Sh, Daddy's here, and he's never gonna leave you."This is Sae when she's about seven:

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