Jan 22, 2011 10:41
Oh my gosh! After that last post and after sending out the message to some of my friends here as well, I feel so much more...er... overwhelmed than I did when I was just, you know, talking to Derek the Event Coordinator at Gen Con. Apparently there are these things called plans and people are very interested in them. It seems that people have lives, jobs, babies, families, and budgets that they need to be concerned with and like to know things like exact dates, times, attire, costs, and viable hotels and they, I dunno, they expect that I should know these things being as, I guess, they assume that I'm supposed to be making plans.
Bad news, guys. My hands are tied here. Even after the fire was lit under my butt to get me running, I discovered that there was still a pot I had to climb out of and Derek the Event Coordinator is the dedicated chef that has been using his Gen Con Spoon to push me back in every time I try to escape. He's been peppering me with details, but the plans still aren't cooked enough. Ok, that analogy was long and convoluted; sorry. I'm tired. My eyes are still trying to focus on this screen.
What I'm trying to say is that I made the announcement on livejournal perhaps a tad bit prematurely. The degree of planning I had was like "Oh gosh. A winter wedding in Hawaii would be nice." not "We shall get married at 11:02 am on March the second of 2011 at the Totally Made Up Cathedral in Some Place that is Very Specific and the colors shall be yellow and pale blue!". Right now this is what I can say:
Derek (the Event Cooridnator, I like to say his FULL NAME, Ok?) says that it sounds great that we want to rent a room that will hold 50-60 people on Sunday. As of now he's making sure that I can get it for the hours of 11-3. It will be an Open Event which means that it is free. So far as I can tell, that will allow family and friends to come without buying a Gen Con badge (which is costly), but you know? I don't actually know yet. I chose those hours not because the wedding will be 4 hours long ( HAAALE NO), but because we have to provide our own set up and decorations (an hour?) and we also have to clean the place back up (another hour). I want the decorations to have a lot to do with TIME and SPACE travel. I'm thinking broken clocks, hour glasses, a clock that goes backwards, a clock that goes forward very fast, a Tardis, some phony old timey and futuristic photos of people in the wedding... That kinda thing.
Those of you who have said you want to come? I AM SO HAPPY! But let's keep this a secret for now OK? Truth is, I want exactly as many strangers to crash that wedding as I have people I know...er...crashing the wedding. Can you dig it? If I say now on facebook "OPEN INVITATION TO MY WEDDING!" I'm going to have work colleagues coming who I don't want to invite, old High School friends who I don't want to come, and what not... I put the message on livejournal because everyone here (and who I have linked to here via Facebook message) are people I'd like to come. Later when I have definite plans I'm going to send a few more people an invite on facebook. Until then: Shhhhhhh!
Also, a word on this convention. It's a gaming convention, yes, but it is mostly Roleplaying games. A great deal of the events at Gen Con are: miniature games (games with...minis... that battle), card games (like Munchkin, Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh), tabletop roleplaying games (like Dungeons and Dragons or Exalted) and LARPS (Live Action Roleplaying Games-- like my wedding). While there are video game and anime rooms those rooms are very, very small. There is a small section dedicated to them, but they're open for when people are between "real" events. The games are limited to usually: Rockband, katamari damacy, Dance Dance Revoultion, and a few old shooter games and fighting games. I think there's about 4 video game rooms and they are usually filled with people so you gotta wait your turn. The anime rooms are located at the back of one of the hotels usually. There are about 4 or 5 rooms for that too ( and man, last year that section was STINKY). I mention this because I'm trying to save some folks money by ensuring they can come to the wedding without buying a badge. If you want to go to the convention primarily for video games and anime, I'd say: do it! But maybe only buy a badge for one day?
Also, because it's amazingly backwards: Gen Con is our honeymoon. Pretty much we're honeymooning and THEN getting married. Don't judge! That means that you might not get to see us all that often (unless you are going to panels and games and voice acting events!) during Friday and Saturday. We can totally hang for awhile on Sunday, but again... I'm trying to save some money here for you. Those hotels get booked VERY QUICKLY because this is a big, huge con and the prices get crazy. The badges are expensive. And I would feel really really really bad if misrepresented the situation or the convention to anyone.
Beyond that: You are the Chosen Few! Choose your Destiny! SONYA BLADE VS JOHNNY CAGE: FIGHT. Oh, wait. Scratch that last part. What I mean to say is that I put this message on livejournal because I was fairly sure I knew who read this. If you're an lj friend (or a family member, of course): you've been invited to take part of the VERY START of my planning. You know what I want to do, you can help me (or not) in anyway that you want, and you've been invited before I've made the really awesome wedding invitations....that I will make one day. Please don't write on my wall on facebook: OMG I AM SO EXCITED THAT YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED! or take out an ad in the newspapers around the world congratulating me. We are ninja, friends! We plan in secrecy! We know things that the rest of the world does not know. And we shall keep this information until the time is right and the world is ready. Until then:
Go, ninja, go, ninja, go!