Apr 11, 2005 22:38

WAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! I have a feeling that I just started a war, but...I couldn't help myself! Tonight I played a cruel prank on Matt that worked better than I expected it to! You see, that guy and his roommate Nate have gone through months and months of torture at the heads of Cougar Village Housing... These dumb butts keep threatening to fine our young gentlemen lots of money if they fail their inspections. ^_^;; And I was feeling particularly mean spirited yet neatly humored today-- so I played the following prank:

I wrote up a document on my computer that looked like so:

To: Residents of Cougar Village____________

A random cleaning inspection was held on __________________in Cougar Village

apartment _______ . This is notice that you have failed your inspection for the third

consecutive time. Residents ________________________________are required to each

pay a fine of $250 due in full by ___________________. Failure to comply will result

in immediate eviction from Cougar Village.

Thank you,

If you have any questions or comments please contact Kristin Hommerbocker at 650-4942.

And filled in the blanks in red marker with their apartment number- today's date (April 11), their names (just Nate and Matt's names) and told them the money was due a week from today! WAHAHAHA! The number at the bottom was actually the number of one of their friends. *_* I was hoping that either they'd guess from that that it was me (earlier I was asking for the dude's number) or they'd think that he had played the prank!

AHAHAHAHAH! So Matt found the letter and he freaked out! YAAAAAY! And he ran to his RA and was like "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS???" and she was like "Kristin who??? What??? That is ILLEGAL! CALL HOUSING RIGHT NOW!!!!" Wahahaha- it might have continued on for an indefinite time if Mary hadn't finally caved in and told him that it was something I had done. WAHAHAH!

Now he's going to leave the note for Nate and hopefully Nate will freak out even more so and CALL THAT DANG NUMBER!

prank, siue, matt, mary

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