Try analyzing THIS, man. ^_^;;

Jul 17, 2004 13:03

Ok! I'll stop posting my weird dreams here (since Ingrid told me of a thingy she uses for her dreams and it sounds coolish!)~ but after this one. I wanna put this one up because it involves a bunch of people who read this journal and I thought they might be interested!

Ok the dream started with me in my apartment staring at these flowers that Kat gave me and the reason was that I was waiting for them to die. o.o? Like, the phone kept ringing and stuff but I was scared to leave where I was sitting to answer it because I was scared I would miss the flowers die. But finally I DID get up to answer the phone and it was...


^_^; And she told me that her flowers hadn't died yet and had mine? And I said "No" and then I panicked... I suddenly didn't WANT my flowers to die so I put Emily on hold and ran back into the livingroom and started watering them like crazy~ like so much that water spilled all over the place but I didn't wanna stop because I knew that as soon as I stopped the flowers would die. And then Emily was there IN my apartment and she said "It's useless. See?" and pointed over to where my big fern is-- and I looked and the fern was dying really fast and it made me feel really really really panicked and sad. And in the time that I watched the fern die the flowers began dying too... and then the trees outside started dying too and Emily shrugged and said "They do that sometimes" ^_^;;

And then the dream switched sorta and I was having a picnic outside under a tree (that, of course, was mostly dead) and Ingrid and Matt were there. Matt was telling us some story of a rockstar that had a baby and then wanted to eat it because evil spirits were telling him to and Ingrid was making jewelry out of grass and giving it to strangers. And suddenly I realized that it was dumb that we were going to have a picnic because I remembered that we didn't put any food in the basket and we'd have to go to the grocery store to get some food for it (WHY??? Why do my dreams want me to be in a GROCERY store so often??) So we went there, but it was suddenly like a movie. We walked in a grocery store but it turned into a hotel/mall type place for ritzy people~ and Ingrid told me to watch out because the evil rabbit was on the loose and was looking for me.

So, I started running away and ran into Chris who had a whole bunch of four dollar bills. And I told him that I needed to borrow some of his money to get away from the evil rabbit and he REFUSED TO GIVE ME THE MONEY. ^_^;; And I tried exchanging my ten dollar bills for his stupid four dollar bills (I have no idea why I needed to use his weirdo money instead of my own) and he kept saying "No" because it wasn't a good investment. And I was getting ticked off and saying "Saving me from death by the evil rabbit isn't a good investment???" and he kept saying "Nope"-- and while I was talking to him Ingrid came back and told me that the evil rabbit knew where I was so I was going to have to go shopping with her. Ha ha! I don't knooooow~ but it made sense at the time so Ingrid and I went shopping in the ritzy mall but I couldn't buy anything because I didn't have Chris's four dollar bills so I begged Ingrid to go and try to get his money away from him. She said she'd try and then suddenly Hoshi and the evil rabbit were there.

^_^; And he was like this cartoon rabbit wearing suspenders and he was all short and fat and it was weird. And they kidnapped me and the evil rabbit said he was gonna kill me- but instead he threw me in one of the hotel rooms and told me to be careful because (I don't remember what it was) was coming after me-- and I had to hide in the bathroom of this hotel room... which was like a public restroom. I mean- the room itself was really cool because the bed was HUUUUUGE and comfortable looking and there were like two livingroom areas with big, comfy leather furniture-- but the bathroom had like six or seven stalls in it and he threw me in one of them and handcuffed me to... o.O Something? And I couldn't get loose and I was scared because after the evil rabbit left to save me from the whatever it was-- Hoshi started humming some children's song at me and I was like "NO! She wants to kill me! She wants the (whatever it was) to get me!"

But it never did or if it did I don't remember because I woke up.

^_^;; Isn't that trippy?

dreams, ingrid, hoshi, california

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