(no subject)

Oct 13, 2006 02:34

Watched this movie yesterday: Something the Lord Made

I REALLY liked it. I thought it was a well done little film, aside from Alan Rickman's accent. It seemed a bit too forced, and everytime he spoke I had to hide a giggle. The guy who played Vivien Thomas was excellent, I really enjoyed his role. The film's set in the 1940's, where the black people were still seen as... well... you know. It's very interesting to see a film where this is address, but the audience isn't completely smacked over the head with. I think the scene that fascinated me the most was a scene at the start of the film where Vivien and his boss were walking down a footpath, and everytime a white person approached in the opposite direction, they would step aside and tip their hats as though it was complete second nature. Which I suppose, after having it drummed into them, it was.

Again, a really good film. Watch it!!

Now I'm off to work, no joy, lol.

But book club tonight!!! My flist, you really should join. Really.

PS - Who here has the new LJ/Gizmo thingo? I'm just downloading it now, it sounds cool :-)

alan rickman, movies

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