Kitty's (
kitty5roses) random quote for the day.... even though this is actually from last night...
"Hey, if owners are like they're pets, does that mean that I try to eat people who walk past me?"
That cracked me up. My response? "We-ell... we wouldn't put it past you ;-)"
I'm at uni at the moment, woohoo, what joy! I'm so excited to be here, lol. Got "study time" for another two hours, which is kind of boring, and another 5 o'clock lecture this afternoon while I'll probably spend trying not to fall asleep. Know what really sucks? Having a maths lecture at 9am on my equivlant of Monday morning with a guy who doesn't finish his sentences, goes off track and is over all, quite boring.
And what's worse, I'm not sure if I'm game enough to read my current addiction... thank you once again
madamsnape. I'm being tortured by the fact that I've got plenty of time, and really, really wanna read the story!! Gahhhh!!!
But still.... if I go onto Ashwinder and read what I did last week, I'm sure I could read that ;-)
Kiss kiss people!!! and lots of hugs to my flist!