Oct 16, 2004 22:00


I spent *more* than this period's paycheck today. Probably going to check out the bigger Borders tomorrow, which will mean I'll end up spending two paychecks before this damn employee sale is over. Oy.

::beams at all her shiny new books:: So purdy, though!! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnyyyyy! :-D

Lessee, should I list all my loot? Methinks I should. Don't think I'll LJ-cut it either, because it's just too glorious to hide. ;-)

-Plato's glorious collected Dialogues, including letters, edited by Edith Hamilton. I've been lusting over this thing for *ages*. It's a net book, so it was only 20% off, but considering it started at $40.00, that wasn't so bad (it was this or the Gibbons set, but that's just... too many volumes :-P)
-Complete Adams & Jefferson letters
-Gentleman Revolutionary - it's on Gouverneur Morris, by Richard Brookhiser - bought it just because I wasn't expecting to find a book on him
-Plutarch's Life of Alexander the Great
-The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution by Bernard Bailyn - couldn't figure out why it sounded so familiar til I realized it was one of the books I'd checked out last year for my Dickinson paper but didn't actually use
-a fold-out geneology thing for the Greek gods that can go on my wall, bwa ha ha
-Paul Cartledge's Alexander the Great
-Eats Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss
-Assassins original cast
-FotR and TTT soundtracks
-Watermark - Enya
-the honking huge Red Book LotR - you know, the one everyone wants that costs way too much. We'll ignore the fact that I've technically four copies of LotR now :-P
-Will in the World - it's Greenblatt, how could I not? :-P

How's that for damage? ::snerk:: It also means I've 6 coupons for 25% off DVDs next week, which means I'll be able to buy up to 6! Well, a couple (at least) are going to my cousin and uncle, so it won't be quite that much damage. ;-) There were also drinks & cheesecake for my family, lunch and a couple small things, but those were the biggies.

Anyway, I was actually feeling nauseous for basically the last half of the work day today. Think I'm coming down with a cold, actually. Haven't had one in years. :-P But buying books healed me for the time being, so yay. But Brian bought all our good Star Trek companion books, so I'll have to take a look at them at the other Borders tomorrow. ::snerk:: Trying to decide if I'm still enough of a fan to get them.

God, must do hw. Ugh (and in sets the nausea again).

Edited to add: Oh yeah, and my STUPID cell phone deleted half my contacts (seriously). So if I had your number or you'd like me ot have it, could you e-mail me w/ it? Thanks.


booklust, borders

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