Concerning hobbitses

Sep 04, 2004 23:54

This hobbit, in particular, trudged off to work today. There, she indulged in the FotR soundtrack (woo!) and Love Actually, which she has yet to see! But it's full of nummy goodness!

She was also particularly happy not to be at reg all day and was even given an excuse to BRING THE MCCULLOUGH JOHN ADAMS BIO UP TO THE FRONT OF THE STORE ALONG WITH OTHER BIOGRAPHIES! BWA HA HAAAA! ::cough:: Mmm, yes. I'm wondering if I'll be able to pimp Flieger's Pig Tale in the front at some point too. We've only two copies, though (and it also looks like the last two times it was bought at our location was probably me... nearly a year ago. ::snerk::). But perhaps I can pimp it as a staff recommendation, rather than in the kids section! :-D

Then, my cousin came to pick me up from work, and we were poking at the clearance area, and I found tape three of the Joseph Campbell interviews! It didn't have a discount tag though, so I went to ask one of the managers, and she said it should be clearance, probably 50% off (shoulda asked if I could have had 75%, because it was originally $25, so it wasn't exactly *cheap* with 50% off :-P). Then the other girl is like, "I can't find any 50% off stickers!" And manager-girl says, "She doesn't need the sticker; she works here!" And the other girl says, "Yeah, but [cashier guy] won't know it's 50% off!" and proceeds to stick two 25% stickers on it. ::snerk:: And manager girl says, "She can just tell him!" So I go up and tell him that manager-girl said 50% off, and he can ask her if he doesn't believe me. hehe. But yeah, it's kinda expensive, and now I'm wondering if I should have dug out that much for't. Soooo if anyone else feels like buying it off me, I'd probably be happy it's going to a good home.

Anyway, my cousin and I went out to a Greek restaurant, which was very yummy. I've decided that I actually like wine better cut with water. I'm not sure if that makes me lame or... a classicist (or both). :-P And no, they weren't cutting it there; it was all me. ::snerk::

And then we went bowling! And I'm craptastic at bowling! I did get one strike, but in my second to last time, I actually BOUNCED the friggin ball ON TOP of the BUMPER and KNOCKED IT DOWN. ::giggles:: God, I'm craptastic at bowling. That is a new level of bad bowling. Actually, I knew it was going to be crap, because I felt myself mis-step. Might have been too close, not sure.

Oh, and in hot-JA-related news... 1) Yesterday, bought a book from the history JQA senior seminar class on JQA, because it was sitting there and tempting me purposefully! And 2) today, drooled over a complete corresponsdence of JA/TJ (with some Abby!) book! Almost put it on hold, but I suspect it'll still be there later. ::siiiiigh:: I'll get it eventually, I'm sure. ::drool:: Ohno, I've thought of another DVD I want... Amistad! Nooooooooooooo! ::smacks self:: YOU SPENT TOO MUCH ALREADY!!!! :-P



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