Oh hell, might as well spam with a new post: Books & Drugs

Feb 08, 2004 04:38

Books and drugs, when you come right down to it, are both the same.

They, both of them, give you a false sense of feeling stronger/better-in-some way while simultaneously incapacitating you from normal/productive thought/behaviour. A true addict will also feel withdrawal symptoms when off of books/drugs, which will inevitably lead you to do anything in order to get a fix. That, in turn, bleeds you dry economically.

They didn't warn you about books when you were a child, did they? tsk tsk. Books. Just Say No.

Also, completely unrelated, I want a t-shirt that says, "Not dead. Just evolved." in Latin. ::nods:: I also think I'm going to have to draw myself an Achren icon when I get a chance...


books and drugs, booklust

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