Sep 26, 2007 16:57
....and that's really kinda annoying. I have so much I want to talk about right now it's not even funny. Yet at the same time I don't know know if I really want to get into a rant. Hmmmm....ranting, ranting,ranting.....oh well, I guess I won't. Not enough motivation to do so. I feel so unproductive personally but between school and life I have to do. I will say one thing though, if you a person a friend and they tell you something that they feel is something that you need to know, whether it be something about yourself or someone you know, why would you get mad at them? Unless your friend is a total slime ball or something and you put up with them for some weird reason, I could only imagine that maybe your friend would tell you this because they care right? I mean that's what your friends should do, right? That is why they're you friend right? I would like to think, again, this is just me 'cause I'm weird that way, that my friends would tell me something about me or something around me that I should know about. I might not like it but they are my friend right? At least they're being honest anyways. If you feel that your so called friend is being mean or unfair, or that they should plain and simple see things your way can you really call yourselves friends? Ignore me...I'm just ranting.