Update on the Itch Festival

Oct 24, 2008 13:09

So, I'm back from the doctor.

Yeah, he's concerned.

1 - I lost weight.  This isn't exactly bad, but it's not exactly good.  Baby is growing fast now and I should be gaining.  He wasn't pleased and reminded me that I need to eat even if nothing looks good.  Just shove something down my gullet.

2 - My blood pressure was stupid high.  I credit this to worry/stress and total lack of sleep.  He is concerned about it turning into toxemia - which is a valid concern.  So I have to watch that this week.

3 - The itching is not good news, like I thought.  I had 4 vials of blood drawn (and my vein - my super strong vein that has given the medical world so much blood - GAVE OUT after the second vial.  RUDE!  So we had to switch arms and get the last 2 vials from the other arm.  I am having my liver function tested.  I do not know when the results will come, but I'm guessing sooner rather than later.

4 - I am on partial bed rest - I need to spend 50% of my waking hours all comfy and cozy in a bed or a cozy chair.  Seeing as sitting up fails me, what with the nerve issue, I shall be spending half of my day in bed.  FUN!

5 - I have a prescription for a topical thingie to help the itching and have been instructed to take Benadryl every 6 hours to help with the itching as well as help me get some sleep.

Worst case scenario?  Bean will come 3 weeks early instead of 1.  Best case scenario?  My liver function isn't too bad and the meds help the itching stop.  I'd be more comfortable either way if they took her at 37 weeks.  I don't want anything to happen to her.  That's what makes me the most nervous.

So, I may not be posting here so much for the next little while.  I dunno.  Apparently I need to go be buddy buddy with my bed.  Bleh.  Just gotta keep telling myself that she is worth it - and she is, I know that.

Going to pop a bendaryl, rub on some of the lotiony stuff and see if I can get a nap in.
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