Life on Mars

Oct 21, 2008 08:46

Is anyone watching the US version of Life on Mars?

Last year I watched Series 1 of the UK version of Life on Mars.  I really enjoyed it in an odd, quirky way.  Then Series 2 came on and I watched the first episode or two and then they just sat on the TiVo.  Well, two weeks ago when the US version popped up, I decided to catch up on the UK version.  So the past few days I've been watching the remainder of Series 2 (there are only 8 episodes in each series - very different from the way tv shows work in the US).

Now let's just back up.  Years ago I watched the UK version of The Office.  I fell in love with this show - it cracked me up a lot, especially the character played by Ricky Gervais who is flippin' hysterical.  When I heard they were making a US version of the show I was a little apprehensive.  It took me 2-3 years to actually be able to enjoy that show for what it is - to keep myself from comparing it to the UK version.  I like the US version now, though not nearly as well as the UK version.  But that's ok - like I said - I am now able to appreciate it for what it is, ya know?

So, then I started watching Life on Mars, really enjoyed that, and actually got grumpy when Alan told me they were making a US version because I didn't understand how anyone could make it work.  First off - the entire run of the show was only 16 episodes.  That's shorter than a regular season of most shows in the US (isn't it usually 22 or 24 episodes?).  Secondly, it's just one of those inherently British shows in my mind - so how in the world can it move to the US and work?  But after finally seeing the last episode, I really don't know how US audiences will take to the ending - or if it will have to be so drastically altered that it won't even be the same.  Which I am ok with, in a round about way.  I guess what bothers me is that in the US, they will drag a show on until every story line is worn out and the show is on the downhill before they will bother to cancel it.  It seems to me that, of the UK shows I have religiously followed, those that make many British shows know when to stop.  They tell their story and are done.  The UK version of the Office is only 12 episodes (plus a Christmas Special).  As mentioned before, Life on Mars is only 16 episodes.

I am babbling.

My point is - I am rather nervous about this "new" show.  Plus, Lisa Bonet is a crap actress.  And they didn't change many of the characters names, which for some reason is really hard for me.  Probably because I am attached to the old characters and to see new faces with those names bugs me.

Or this could all just be annoying me because my pregnancy hormones are on high right now and I haven't had enough sleep for weeks on end LOL

So, that's my lame tangent.  I've now used up all my sitting up time and need to go lay down for a bit again.  I've been hitting a nerve when I'm sitting up that causes me to get all nauseus and dizzy, so I can't handle sitting up for too long.  What a waste of my sitting up time!  Haha!

Aside from the nerve thing and some extreme itching, things are going well.  We are on the tail end of this and very much looking forward to getting our princess here.  Just under 5 weeks to go.  Doctor's appointment on Friday.  And our insurance will be in effect in 10 days.  I've had a nice chat with princess and told her she is allowed to cause any problems she'd like after that time, but until then she has to behave!  Hee hee!  I am so looking forward to holding her and hugging her and kissing her.  She has no idea how loved she already is . . . . We are all anxious to have her here.

Ok, time to shower and what not.  Then it's time to lay down again.
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