It's October!

Oct 03, 2008 17:02

I love October. I love the cool, crisp fall air that begins creeping in. I love the leaves that begin to change to brilliant shades of red, orange, and green. I love watching them fall from the trees so I can rake up big piles of leave and watch my son play in them. I love the promise of Halloween at the end of the month, one of my favorite holidays ever!

On October 1st, I encouraged my mother to pull out any Halloween decorations she might have floating around (not nearly enough, if you ask me!) and put them out. I also went out and bought some apple cider and donuts. Then I went to the video store (which I haven't done for ages!) and picked up a fun Halloween cartoon: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

After we'd had dinner and were all settled, I surprised everyone and we sat down for some tasty treats (though a few people chose Hot Chocolate instead of cider) and watched the cartoon. It was so fun to hang out and celebrate October with my family!  finally have time to sit down and do silly things like this with my family. I think everyone had fun, even if it was a bit silly, but what can I say? I just love October!

I also was grateful that Oct. 1st ended up being a Wednesday because that is one of the least busy days at our house.

Yesterday was relaxing for the most part - until the evening when we had to juggle basketball practice and curriculum night at the school. But we made it through.  Today I spent almost three HOURS at Target registering for baby stuff.  The list I made for my baby shower that is being thrown for me here comprised about 60 names.  Don't you hate it when you feel like there are people you just can't leave out but then you look at the list and think - DANG, that's a LOT of people!  LOL!  I'm just grateful to sweet friends who love me (and remember me!) enough to do something so sweet.  I would not have expected these two lovely ladies would want to plan a shower for me - but they do!  So, I'm excited and happy and looking forward to visiting with wonderful people who have meant so much to me both in my youth and my adult life.

I shall be posting pics of me and my baby belly soon! I know a few people who are anxious to see them!

Side note:  The situation for Soren at school has improved dramatically.  And he loves the EXCEL (highly-capable) program here which he goes to once a week.  He's also loving the trumpet and looking forward to starting up piano again.  Things are lookin good!  Oh, and I can't wait to post pics of his Halloween costume.  It freakin' ROCKS!

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