I was tagged...

Nov 24, 2005 09:33

Ok here goes:

Write 20 random facts about yourself and tag as many people as minutes you took to write it.

1. I am supposed to be working right now.

2. It's our company christmas lunch this afternoon... yay.

3. I think I'm a bit of a commitment phobic...

4. I am obsessed with horses.

5. I have just recently met a guy who is coming to Cape Town with my family and I next month.

6. My dad's getting married in Cape Town next month to a woman he's only known for a couple months

7. I am a certified travel agent, I just am not working as one.

8. I used to waitress, while I was in college

9. I'm probably going to go watch Harry Potter with my sis-in-law, her sister and my future sis-in-law

10. I have a memory like a sieve... drives my boss/dad batty

11. I am petrified of spiders!

12. I am currently learning how to dance with fire sticks in belly dancing... very cool

13. I used to have hamsters when I was a teen.

14. I'm the one who has to take my brother's new husky puppy for training.

15. I'm mildly allergic to cats, if I touch them then rub my eyes they swell up big time.

16. I love shopping.

17. I own over 150 cds so far.

18. I have taken a liking to Sean Paul's music.

19. I love playing pool even though I can be rather hopeless.

20. Horse riding de-stresses me... the only time when I actually relax fully.

Well, there you go...

cailenbraern, der_bruelbaer, troach, witchy_wenchy.

I shall give an update on what I've been up to at a later stage, seeing as I'm supposed to be working now :-).
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