Mar 10, 2005 21:34
wow a lot of shiznit has happened since i last wrote. basketball season is over :( I WILL MISS MY JV TEAM!!! jesse, haley AND madisons b-days have come and gone! both st marys bball teams lost! <-yeah we were all sad about that one.i started pole vaulting with kelly :) seriously incredible. i love it. i went to a vaulting camp and after the 1st day i was SUNBURNED SOOOOOOO bad and ya i had the father daughter dance than night. pictures = lobster. its hotttt and ur all jealous of my bright red face and farmers tan. we ate at the ritz with the deloziers.
last weekend was chars party. basically it was awesome til my mom found out it was NOT a "small sleepover party". oh yeah i just failed a halmet test cuz my teacher decided to flip through the book, pick a random quote on a random page and make us 'identify the speaker'. so basically i just cant waaaaait to get it back. i quit dance and i miss FUZION! im officially not dancer g i r l anymore :( practice was at the same time so that kinda sucks.i miss bennett, britt, kyle, chels, bridgette, jordan, and everyone else! did i forget TJ?! my favorite! although i heard hes actually cool (I KNOW! SUPRISING!) CONGRADS TO VANESSA ON GETTING A ROCK! im sure hes a hottie.