Jan 01, 2011 00:28
2010: A Year in Reverse
We got a white Christmas! ...For all of thirty minutes while driving out of town. We come back just in time to be hit with fevers, chills, and five alarm sneezing... and I think the neighbors four or five houses down set their lawn on fire.
My husband signed out on block leave the day before my birthday. Happy birthday to me! Much money was spent celebrating, both here and when we got to California-- where we spent Thanksgiving. FYI, travelling by train is the best way to get from LA to San Jose and back again.
He's home, he's home, he's home, he's home, he's home! Not only that, but we actually managed to get up to Washington DC on the 31st for Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert's Rally to Restore Sanity And/Or Fear! Let me tell you, nothing is more awesome than seeing Cat Stevens and Ozzy Osborne doing dueling "train songs". And nothing is scarier than seeing John Oliver hopping around the stage dressed as Peter Pan.
AWA, alas, had to go on without my hubby. Though he did get home at last, praise the gods! And there was much rejoicing... and then much travelling, into October, as the very hour that hubby got off the plane and joined us in the terminal is when we get the text announcing the birth of our new baby neice.
My baby turned a year old! ...Gods, that makes me feel older than I should.
July saw a picnic on the river with my husband (home on leave), my best friend (living with me), my best friend's son (my adorable godson), my parents (visiting), anf my sister and her fiance (visiting my parents). Having to put hubby on the plane back to the Sandbox was gutwrenching.
Ah, surgery recovery... It's so much fun to make the doctors look at you funny when you tap-dance out of the exam room with more energy than they think you should have. On the plus side, at least I was cleared to carry my 20+ lb baby girl again.
You know the funny thing about diagnosis? It's hit and miss, most of the time. What was previously thought to be an inflamed sternum cartiledge turned out to be gall stones. Know how I learn this? By going in to the doctor for bloodwork because I'm throwing up bile and can't keep anything down, not even liquids. I get a call from the doctor saying to go into the hospital RIGHT NOW-- as I'm driving south to take care of the cat. Three weeks of boarding that cat costs a lot of money, but at least I'm not dying from liver poisoning, and the lacroscopic surgery scars will fade in time.
You'd think that an inflamed sternum cartiledge wouldn't play havoc with my abillity to keep food down. If this keeps up, screw the antacids, I'm going to the doctor.
So, I went to the hospital for chest pains and throwing up. Mostly the chest pains. I'm pretty sure the child has something to do with it. The docs say it's inflamed sternum cartiledge, so I'm now using a pillow to cushion my ribs while feeding the child in the car.
Sent a Valentine's Day card to hubby; got a call from him on the actual day, which just made me miss him more. Worse than on our anniversary.
"I resolve to be a good mothe-- damn it, child!" Happy third anniversary, hubby, and I miss you. ...Ow, chest pains....
January, 2011: "I resolve to be a better mother than this past yea-- DAMN IT, CHILD!"
Peace, love, and candied jellyfish~
-Lady Shadowphyre
happy new year,