Dec 01, 2011 13:16
I woke up a little while ago.
I don't particularly want to wake up, but there are cold kitty paws on my nice warm skin and a little trilling motorboat running in my ear. She doesn't actually want me to get up, either, since she's got plenty of food and water, but her cold little kitty paws are kneading at my sore chest.
(we're in space)
I need food. What I get is cold kitty paws, a limpet baby, and flat ginger ale from the night before.
And I've still got various birthday presents to prepare in the next five days.
(we're in space)
...And the wreathe on the front door needs changing.
(we're in space)
Damn it, Mama needs to get up now!
-Lady Shadowphyre
(we're in space)