First Post!

Sep 19, 2008 20:28

Yes, this is definitely a first post for me under my new account for LJ, though I've actually been here for a lot longer than this account indicates...more or less 4 years.  As mentioned in my user info, this is an account I keep separate from my personal journal (mainly because I wanted to create a different account regardless, but not quite to the level of a community because I knew I wouldn't be able to maintain it but every so often).  I'll post everything from music memes/personal playlists here to icons/wallpapers and generally things that look pretty.

This means that I will be sharing downloadable files from time to time. I'm going to leave it open for people to look at and enjoy, but by all means, if you take something from this account, give credit where credit's due and take the time to say thanks.  Common courtesy is always appreciated, and that's basically the only rule I have here.  If it seems like this allowance is abused, I may go the route of F-locking the account, but hopefully it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I'm a big fan of things media oriented: books, music, movies, TV shows, and the like.  I also love anything to do with animation/anime, so you'll probably see icons and such that I make from time to time here.

I also use this account for watching some of the communities from time to time, but I have a feeling that I'll probably be a lot more active on this account than I am on my personal journal, hence the reason I created it.  So for those of you who find yourselves upon this empty space: DON'T panic.  It's coming up, but I'm in between work, school and other activities so they'll only come as often as I can update this journal.

So right now, I'm going to get to work on some icons and banners.  Have fun and welcome to my journal!
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