return of the WIP meme

Jun 10, 2013 04:26

[from my Restoration GoT AU. Margaery explains to her new BFF Sansa why she is looked down at court and her complicated relationship with her ex-husband Renly. It's a bit rough and needs more setting and description everything else I've written so far needs more work or seems really spoilery!]

Margaery’s smile was a little bitter. “If I tell you the tale you will not judge me?”

“Of course I wouldn’t!” Sansa exclaimed. “You’re my friend, why would I do something like that?”

“My friend?” Margaery looked so unsure so unlike her usual confident self, Sansa went to hug her.

“Of course I am!”

Margaery’s eyes sparkled a little. she gave her a woebegone smile. “You dear sweet girl.”

“Please tell me what happened?”

“I came to court a couple of years ago. It had been all I had desired since I was a young girl- to be a member of the court, to make a good match.”

“As we all do-” Sansa assured troubled by the cynical tone in her friend’s voice. What had happened to disillusion her so much?

“I wanted to marry a rich handsome man, have his children and live happy ever after. For one moment I though I had it all, then it slipped through my fingers."

"What happened? Did he die tragically?"

Margaery shook her head. “I’m divorced. I deserted my husband so you see why they disdain me? I am a living reminder that you could make a glorious match and then lose it all. In their eyes I am a failure.”

“But none of this is your fault, he left you. Lord Renly cheated on you!”

Margaery shook her head again “-no sweetling that’s not quite what happened. You see, I left him.”

Sansa’s eyes were wide with shock. She couldn’t believe Margaery’s daring. To up and leave her husband. She could understand why, but it was such a drastic step to take and the social consequences were dire as she was starting to see.

“Why? How?”

“I petitioned the king for a divorce, told him we were incompatible and the marriage had never been consummated. He was kind enough to grant it, but it cost my family a pretty penny.”

“You do seem to care so much for Lord Renly even after all this?” Sansa asked her.

“-It well, I don’t mind admitting to that it broke my heart. Sansa, I really did care for Renly even though I couldn’t stay married to him. He’s one of my best friends, even now. He’s really kind, charming and handsome. Such a brilliant friend. He really does listen and care for people. He would have done anything for me, I know.”

"Except for love you as you deserve."

Margaery looked a little as if she were about to cry. “I’m going to shock you and you’ll ne’er speak to me again.”

“I won’t. Please, Margaery. I cannot bear to see you so sad.”

“He was in love with my brother-” she confessed.

Sansa just about managed to suppress a gasp.

“He always had been. Loras was his page and they’d been best of friends since forever. Renly really tried to be decent to me, a kind and indulgent husband but he couldn’t, he just couldn’t-”

“Couldn’t sleep with you?”

“In the end it was tearing us all apart. They wanted each other so much. I had to leave him before it destroyed us all.”

“You still love him.”

“No, Sansa that’s not it. It’s a bit more complicated than that. I married him for his position and because he was as handsome as a god. Loras loves him. He’s his soulmate, true love like you only find once in a life time. Two stars in the sky made for each other. How could I compete?”

[This is from Runaways which is still slowly being posted on A03. Ned, Robert are arguing between themselves on how to punish Theon for running away with Sansa. Cersei is out for blood]

What more do you want?” Robert argued. “D'ye expect me to beggar my best friend, woman?”

“He has to pay. Somebody has to pay.”

Robert was annoyed by her constant needling and bitching about the subject. “I'll decide who's paying. Now shut thy mouth afore I shut it for you. You have a damn sight too much to say on the subject!” Robert snapped.

“Just because I am the only who cares about my son's welfare and future happiness-” her voice trailed away as she caught the baleful look in her husband's eye.

“If we take all of this into account, we can make other arrangement. It's not ideal but if the Harlaws are willing to negotiate a new settlement...”

“For Ironborn they are nearly respectable-”

“It's not good enough! I want that Greyjoy's head on a stake!” Cersei burst out unable to restrain herself.

Robert was rather alarmed at his queen's vindictiveness. “Is that not a bit extreme? Send the lad to the wall or exile him home. Marry the lass off to someone else if we's a damn shame Renly claims he's courting the Tyrell girl, would have worked quite well-”

She curled her lip in scorn. So her good-brother was still peddling that sweet little fiction, was he? It was an open secret that Lord Renly Baratheon was sleeping with a Tyrell- it just happened to be Ser Loras instead of his sister Margaery, a scheming ambitious little madam if ever she saw one. It was only Robert that failed to see it.

“Are you going soft? Is that it? He insults our son and you are going to do nothing about it” Cersei sneered. ”Ah I see, you care more about other men's sons than your own.”

“We can find another high-born maiden to wed the Prince. A Frey, or something. The Martell girl is still unmarried...” Renly tried to reason.

Cersei gave an outraged gasp as if thoroughly offended by the suggestion. “Those grasping arrivistes! They didn't even have royal blood in them. And you want our Joffrey, our son and heir to marry her? And I'm going to ignore the fact you suggested a Freyfor my son-” her delicate nose wrinkled in disgust.

When Cersei turned to Ned, her green eyes gleamed vindictively. “Your daughter will pay, don't you fret Lord Stark. Both of them will-”

It would be nice to hear what you think?

creative writing, blossoms of the court, excerpt, runaways

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