I finally saw the new Star Trek Movie. I know, I'm behind, but dude, OMG IMAX. For FREE. Yeah, it's awesome that a friend of mine has a brother who HAPPENS to be manager at a local movie theater....... The Spoiler-free news is that it was an amazing movie, whether you've been a fan for ages or aren't a fan at all. It was a great movie. Enough said there.
I loved the movie. First, kudos for making Spock this uber-deep character. LOL at Wynona Ryder as his mom. I *love* that they explored Spock's half-human/half-Vulcan nature. Also, his (strange) relationship with his father.
Scotty, Bones, and Checkov were AMAZING. I wanted to see more of them. They were all soooo very well written and well played.
Also, I loved the fact that Uhura went for Spock, the brains, rather than for Kirk, the bad boy. I think it was more in her character to do so.
Though I've always been more of a Picard fan, I really did like Kirk's character in the movie. He was interesting, and had some pretty deep aspects to his character, too.
The story itself felt like a really well-written fanfic. They did a wonderful job of giving us new stuff, and bringing back what was amazing about the original.
Carlos and I are currently just hanging out at home enjoying playing Suikoden Tactics. I like the game a lot more than I thought I would. We don't work until 2:30 tomorrow.
Have a good night, y'all.