I could not be happier that this week is ending.
Between two tornado alarms before the sun rose on Sunday, busy day on Monday, being sick Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and the fact that I have make-up work to do, I am thrilled to move on. Except next week is filling up. Most of it is Northern Ireland related, but still. I just wanna get some rest, dang it. At least the week after next is Thanksgiving Break.
In sicky news, my throat is feeling better. It still vaguely hurts, but mostly when I yawn or go out in the cold, or talk too much. I have a cough now that strikes whenever I stand up or talk to people, and from what I can tell it's been going around campus. We sound like a hospital.
So, I'm done for the day. I have two hours of tutoring this afternoon and then I go home and then I have a law school visit thing tomorrow morning. Then I'm just gonna chill out all weekend. :) Oh, yeah, and get some make-up work done. Hee.
Oh, and one of our health service ladies is nuts:
So, I go to health services yesterday. The main reason is because I need to find out who gives prescriptions for birth control in our area for a project I'm doing in class. So, I stand there and one of the ladies says, "What can I do for you today, Sarah?" as if she's really eager for me to go away. I say, "Oh, I just have a question." And then the other lady sort of barks at me and says, "Well, you'll need to sign in like everyone else so you can ask the question in private." And then she PUSHED me towards an examination room. All I wanted was a flyer listing places where one could go to get birth control! If I'd had any energy, I would have gotten frustrated, but I didn't, so I decided just to be amused with the situation.
She comes back with my health record, for Pete's sake. So I ask her my question, and she goes back out to get fliers to answer my question. I decide she needs to know that I;m only doing this for a project, so the thing doesn't end up in my health record or something. She then says, "Okay, that's nice" in a real dismissive voice, as if she's really not paying attention. And then she says, "Oh, you could go here, but you'll need to make an appointment." I'm wondering what these people don't understand about ME NOT WANTING A PRESCRIPTION FOR BIRTH CONTROL.
Then, I decide to go nuts since she has my health record in the room and ask her if it's normal that the pain is moving around in my throat. She uses the tongue depresser and tells me there's some gross white stuff on the back of my tongue. And what is it with people in the health care profession thinking you need to see your own bodily fluids? Allow me to explain.
NURSE: Say, Aah.
ME: *Gag*
NURSE: Yeah, you've got some white stuff back here. See? Oh, whoops. I didn't get any. Hang on. Again?
ME: *Gag*
ME: Yeah.
All kinds of crazy, these people are.