(no subject)

Aug 20, 2010 20:32

I had a minor panic attack the other day when I learned Anatomy And Physiology was something that probably should be taken prior to the nursing program, and looked up the class on-line just to discover the class was full. I talked to the dean of nursing and apparently as long as there's lab space she can get you into a class! So I got in! I'm taking that and Ethics since I have to take a humanity. What's nice about that is... it's independent study! So further good news! That works well with my having a full time job. We made up a plan so I can finish up most of the co-reqs before I actually start in the fall (if I get in). All I'd need to do is finish up Microbiology and Abnormal Psychology in the summer after my first year. So... yay! I'm kind of scared for A & P but I think it'll be interesting, if nothing else. She said if I do well on the entrance exam and these two classes I'll be in pretty good shape to apply this winter since I did well in chemistry. Anyway.

I just finished week 2 of Couch to 5k and I realized I was no longer huffing and puffing and panting during the runs. Probably if I'd been running with someone I could have carried on a conversation, which is nice. I'd read the best for your body is to be able to run and carry on a normal conversation while you do it. It means I'm not taking on too much at once. We'll see how my body does when I go to week 3 next week and have to run more. Ha.

health, nursing

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