Oct 30, 2009 18:14
I was having a hard time remembering exactly why I hate the Yankees. Give me a break, my team is in the NL, we play 'em once a spring training, that's it. And then they pulled out the "Who's Your Daddy?" banners. Jeez. That was five years ago, Yankees fans. I know, because I followed the entire ALCS that year. Give it a rest. And the players are just so... gah. (Sorry if any of you are Yankees fans.) I really enjoyed the Phillies pitcher from the first night literally just reaching out his hand and making the out, though. Hilarious.
Oh, and Irina tried to throw my girl Althea under the bus during last night's episode of Project Runway. And then Althea totally won! Haha, that's what you get for being a jerk. (I saw Irina roll her eyes. Sheesh. You just love to hate her.) Looks like Christopher might cry again next week. LOL