I thought about ranting about all this bigotry surrounding Barack Obama's middle name and stuff, but I decided to link to
this instead, because it's made of awesome, and also because I don't have usually have much of an opportunity to use my scruffy!Norrington icon.
It was linked to by the Pirates of the Caribbean community, basically using scenes from Pirates of the Caribbean to other famous Disney songs.
Also, I thought I'd do a pet meme, gaccked from
marah_sarie 1. What is your pet’s name?
We have two: Ms. Pris and Jimmi.
2. What kind of animal is it?
They're both Maine Coon cats.
3. What does your pet look like?
Pris is a tabby with long reddish hair and Jimmi is mostly white with black spots.
4. How did you get your pet?
Pris was adopted from SISCA. We were only going to have one cat but then my dad saw her picture in the paper in the ad SISCA puts out and fell in love with her. Jimmi was because after Jimmy Sr. died we decided that we're a two cat household and my mom was looking up Maine Coone cats in the Ohio area and we found him on the Internet. She fell in love with his picture.
5. How long have you been his/her guardian?
We've had Pris since... gosh. I was in seventh grade, so 1997? And we've had Jimmi for one year, November.
6. Why did you get this type of pet?
We were interested in Maine Coons because we'd watch this pet show on HGTV. One day they did an episode on Maine Coons and we all fell in love with them. We were hopeless cases after that.
7. Why did you choose the name you did?
Ms. Pris went through a variety of names, including Audrey after Audrey Hepburn because she has little black marks around her paws and we thought it looked like Hepburn circa Breakfast At Tiffany's, but she's so prissy we finally decided on Ms. Pris. Jimmi was named after his predecessor, Jimmy Sr. We were going to call him Sam but half the time we kept calling him Jimmy by accident anyway.
Actually, it's probably good we went with Jimmi because if we'd gone with Sam I'd have the urge to walk into a room where he was sleeping and go, "Are you mad, in a coma, or just travelling back in time?" and then walk out. :P
8. Tell a story that occurred during the time you were in the “getting to know each other” stages. (We all have them-“she chewed my socks”, “he hid under the bed”, "she kept looking out the window", etc.)
Jimmi hid under my mom's plants when we first got him, shivering. He was terrified, and it didn't help that he had just been introduced to a very territorial cat. My mom told me to pick him up, so I did. Then I put him on my chest and we chilled out for awhile. I don't know about Jimmi, but for me it was love at first sight.
Pris also had to deal with a territorial cat, but I don't remember her being as bothered by it as Jimmi. I think she just walked around like she owned the place. :P
9. Is yours and inside or outside pet? Why?
Inside. I think Maine Coon cats are supposed to be kept indoors as they're a show breed, although neither of my cats can be shown. Also my mom has terrible allergies, so there was never any question.
10. Does your pet go out with you in public?
No. Once we put Jimmy Sr. on a leash and went outside. He seemed to enjoy the birds but he didn't really like being outside, so we stopped that.
11. What is the cutest thing your pet has ever done?
For Pris I think it was the day she looked out the window and there was a bird chirping so she chirped right back. This conversation went on for about thirty minutes, I swear. For Jimmi, although it hurt like hell, it was the day I was showing off my knitting to my mom and he jumped up my leg and hung on my inner thigh like that. Ouch!
12. What is the most obnoxious thing your pet has ever done?
Well, the climbing the leg thing was both cute and obnoxious! :P
Oh, Pris is VERY melodramatic at the vet. It's actually sort of a pain in the butt.
13. Does your pet play well with others (animal or human)?
Pris doesn't really seem to care. Once she got the territorial stuff out of her system, she was fine. She likes to cuddle with my dad, although she's slept in my bed before. Jimmi loves to play with her and will cuddle with whoever he feels like that day.
14. What is your pet’s favorite food?
Both cats have to eat vet food because they gain weight like woah, but Pris will eat anything. Including Triscuits. On Christmas Day last year we caught Jimmi on the table eating cream cheese. LOL
15. What makes your pet special?
They're mine? ;)
16. Where does your pet sleep?
Both cats have slept on my bed and my parents', but they'll also sleep on the chairs downstairs.
17. How does your pet communicate with you?
Maine Coons have a wide variety of meows. Chirping, which is almost constant, regular meows, and very loud, drawn out meows if they want something. So our house can be quite the chorus of chatter.
18. How does your pet let you know he/she needs to go to the restroom (if applicable)?
They both use the litterbox, so they keep this matter to themselves.
19. How does your pet let you know if he/she needs food or water?
Talking, or jumping on you while you're sleeping. It's usually my dad who feeds them because he's the first one awake. So it's quite the pitiful sight when my dad decides to sleep in. I've been jumped on at 6:45 am because my dad is still sleeping. They give him about fifteen minutes, I think. LOL! Then when my dad gets home from work, they beg, and then dinner is usually not quite as dramatic of an event.
20. What is your pet’s weirdest quirk?
I honestly can't think of anything! They're just weird!
21. What do other people think of your pet?
That they're beautiful animals. And HUGE.
22. Has your pet ever been ill?
I think Jimmi was a bit ill before we adopted him, but it was easily fixed and very typical among just-born kittens. Pris never, but Jimmy Sr. died because of his kidneys-- a very typical problem for cats.
23. What is your favorite memory together?
I don't know! I love them all!
24. Have you ever sacrificed anything for your pet?
I don't think so.
25. Has your pet ever sacrificed anything for you?
I don't think so. Although I've had cats check on me when I'm sick.
26. What is your favorite thing about your pet?
They're very sweet. Pris tries to not come across that way, but she can't help it. They're very intelligent animals and they love their humans.
27. Where is the coolest place you have ever gone with your pet?
We don't really go out together much. :P
28. If your pet is deceased, how did they pass away?
Both cats are very much alive, but see number 22. :(
29. If your pet is still living, what would you most like to do with and/or for him/her someday?
I don't know. Just be, I guess. I can't wait to go back home and see them!
30. Do you have any plans to get a new pet in the future (near or otherwise)?
When I get back home to the States and find a new place I want to get a Maine Coon cat of my own.
31. What else would you like to say about your pet?
They're fiercely intelligent, so they're contantly full of surprises.