Yeah. So this was all kinds of nuts.
1. David Shore totally reads my mind. Just today I was watching Season One and staring at House's legs, trying to figure out if he was using the right side as far as his cane was concerned. I was all, "Is he using the right side?!" and during tonight's episode the therapist was all, "Dude, you're using the wrong side." Ha. (Never mind that this episode was written and filmed eons ago.)
2. Chase is getting a backbone, not writing House a prescription. Ha. Glad to see his staff is standing up to him, even Cameron. I really liked her line, (as she passes out pills to House) "Here. These keep the edge off my PMS. They would do you a world of good." LOL!
3. Interesting with Cuddy giving House his prescription. I don't think she cares that her best doctor does drugs, as long as her hospital continues to run smoothly. That's what's unique about this show. Most shows would use his drug problem as an opportunity to preach, but not this one. Everyone just kind of takes the attitude of, "Whatever. Just stop bugging me."
4. Wilson, ohhh, Wilson. Never seen that man so pissed off in all my years. Tritter took his car, his authority to write prescriptions (to dying patients, no less) and thoroughly pissed off everyone's favorite oncologist. :( Poor guy. And House, of course, was no help. I was yelling at him on the other side of TV land. But anyway, someone needed to give Wilson a hug as he sat out in the freezing rain like that.
5. And the preview for next week! Yikes! (Although I find it rather hilarious that House punches the pretty-boy Chase in the nose. I'm not really sure why that's so funny to me, but it is.)
Oh, and as a note to Aaron Sorkin and Studio 60: Why can't Harriet be a Christian, and not have her whole character be defined by this aspect? Aaron, you've created many religious characters in the past: Bartlet, Josh, and Toby, for three, and they've shown that their faith is important to them, but you've also defined them in other ways. I love the idea of having a good Christian character on TV, but can she have a plot point that has nothing to do with her being Christian? kthnxvbye.
And we get to bring our kitty home on Friday. The vet said he's clean and ready to go home whenever, but mom worked today and will work all day tomorrow and Thursday's Thanksgiving, so Friday's the day. We'll get all weekend to hang out with him before going back to school. :)