So the live action Ouran is amazing me with each episode. It's everything I hoped it would be and more so far and Koala has posted that
a movie is in the future. Yay!!! The only thing I wasn't expecting is I am getting a strong vibe that in this version Kyoya is going to be a secondary otp? In episode 5 during the trip to the beach, he jumped in the water along with Tamaki to rescue Haruhi? And even broke his glasses doing it? Anyway, so glad a movie is in the works - maybe the manga will finally have finished releasing here in the US by the time the movie is out & I won't have to worry about being spoiled at the ending?
Oh - my other exciting news (exciting for me anyway) - is I finally have a live friend - LOCAL - who can and does watch dramas with me! Finally!! Up until now the closest I've gotten is some fosterish kids we had a few years ago & watching long distance at the same time with my mom & sister. And may I just say I have done a fantastic job addicting this friend to Asian dramas - or at least to MatsuJun as HYD was the first thing we watched together. (HYD is guarenteed to hook anyone!).
Hmm, let's see, other updates... My brother-in-law is doing fairly well. He's having the pins taken out of his wrist this weekend and they will be deciding then whether or not they need to fuse a few bones in his wrist. Otherwise he seems to be doing a lot better- he struggled with some depression for a bit after he first got home from the hospital but is doing better now and he tried going back to work the other day only to have the doctor firmly put his foot down. The good news is we may get a visit out of it as he is going stir-crazy so we may luck out and get a 2-3 week visit sometime soon. I won't mind at all - he is my favorite bro-in-law. Nevermind that he's my only one... ;)