I Do, I Do kdrama

Jul 24, 2012 10:40

I thought this series was cute - nothing epic but very funny at times and cute. I liked how it really explored family & sacrifice. And how it addressed the single-parenting as something just as valid as families with 2 parents. But it really made me mad at the end that she didn’t hold the baby and we got a crazy dream sequence instead. Why was she even asleep!?? I’m sure that there may be difference in how they do things in Korea vs the US but it really frustrated me. I had my daughter via c-section & not only was I awake the entire time, I got to have one person in the room with me during the surgery. Hubby held my hand throughout and got to watch them clean up & wrap the baby and they brought her over to me within minutes of her being taken out. I didn’t get to hold her until they were done sewing me back together but I saw her immediately. And then I got to hold her & feed her the entire time in the recovery room. The drama had her asleep, the entire family crowded around cooing at the baby - and then we saw her meeting her daughter in her dream!! And her daughter was older - like kindergarten age or such! And she was still calling her Ankle instead of a real name. *huff*

kdramas, i do i do

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