Biting my nails waiting for season 6.
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Its... still hard to grasp that JJ & Prentiss wont be much anymore in Season 6. We, the fans. fought against the stupid evil CBS, but I guess we've lost :( I dont feel like watching it anymore truth to be told, but... Hotch, Rossi, Reid, Garcis & Morgan still gonna be there. And I do love 'em too. I love that Team! *sigh* I guess we'll see how I'll take season 6 of Criminal Minds then...
SUPERNATURAL... thank goodness the Winchester is still around!
And CSI, all three of 'em, is... I dunno... I've lost interest on all three because of many things. So sad really, especially for CSI : Crime Scene Investigation [or CSI : LV to you ;P] coz I love that series for this long but yeah... i guess putting laurence fishburne i think was a mistake, not that its his fault, but the story line making his character... easy to dislike for an old fan of the series *sigh*