Kouhaku ARASHI

Dec 31, 2009 21:39

Good thing I went downstairs early and when I click to NHK channel it was Kouhaku!!! Kyaaaaa I wasn't expecting it, coz mine is the NHK World, so not every programm is the same as the on in Japan. And for the next few hours I tortured my family with japanese music hahahahaha Enka and all that ^____^  My Mum was, "who is that? what's this japanese japanese?"  LOL and my Dad atually stopped in front of the telly and listen to a japanese man singing Frank Sinatra's My Way in Japanese :P

I want to kill ARASHI's stylist!!! Really.
Their first outfit when I saw them was... Are they performing in a circus??? I forgive them if its concert's costume that they wearing but I think it wasn't >___<  i might be mistaken. correction, anyone?

Thankfully when the real show start, they've changed into "normal"  kakkoi looking grey suits.  Arashi & TOKIO were on stage, but Arashi was there to just give messages (i think) to their TOKIO senpai, using the alphabets of t, o, k, i, o. [by then I was busy texting a friend in UK who I know gonna ve over the moon by this *winkwink*] Then Tokio performed.

When it was Arashi time to perform, Nakai-san begin with a lil bit introduction of Arashi, complete with Arashi debut pictures. LOL Then Arashi begin their performance with the debut song, Arashi.  I was kinda taken aback when I saw the pink suits, was expecting the grey. But I guess its safe. The colour and style are still OK. Then After a couple of medley, they went up the stage and thick smoke covered them. At first I thought it was some sort of malfunction but turned out it was part of the show coz when the smoke slowly disappear, Arashi pink suits turned into white and OMG are they gorgeous or what!!!

The horrid 1st clothing >_<

Opening song, all participant singing Uta no Chikara (i think)
but stupid with only 1 microphone per group.

Britain Got Talen's Susan Boyle came!!!
Escorted on stage by Kimutaku!

LOL at Nakai teasing Leader Joshima with bringing his picture LOL

Messages from ARASHI.
The only words that I can get is "kizuna"  & "yakusoku"
but don't take my word on it, probably got to much Kame in me
*smacked self*

during this performance, matsujun went down and shook hands with some of the jurors? guess? in front row. famous ppl :P

Well, that's about it really.  I was watching it on telly so its a bit of a blur between taking pics, watching the show, and my dad blocking my way coz he wanted to get the Chicken Satay LOL

Gomen ne for the lame pics. LOL

* LOVE Matsujun's hair!!! He pinned it up! I love that. I hope Kame do the same in Countdown. kyaaaaa ;P
* Gals better pay ehm...closer attention when Arashi was in their white suits. Especially Nino's fans. Their trousers is kinda... ;DDD

Jya. I'm gonna get my chicken satay & kwe tiau now ^___^

See you all in the new days with new excitements.
Thankyou for reading my rants and commenting even though I'm so fail.
And May God bless us all.

arashi, tv show

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