Apr 17, 2009 22:55

I follow American Idols for a few years now, just because it's got more hype and well, its everywhere! There's even a version of it in my country, Indonesia Idol. Although i think last year was the last? Coz none of it this year, the local telly doesn't even air the AI anymore. Thank goodness for cable tv ^___^

Last year AI was amazing!! I watched it every week and got nervous and jumping up and down for joy when they annouced David Cook as the winner. I just love his voice, his originality, his chosen song and arrangment of the song kept surprising me from week to week. Ever since he sang Lionel Ritchie's Hello. What was supposed to be a very mushy ballad became a rock (ballad) song?? WOW.

So this year AI... not such a fan. The females are boring. Adam was too theatrical, and well... I watch this season with less enthusiasm. Still watching it, but if I missed it, I don't even bother to go to youtube. I hope Danny & Kris go far though.

If you don't know already, the past couple of days people has been talking about Susan Boyle. An amazing contestant from Britain's Got Talent. I don't watch the show coz its not aired in any of my cable tv, but from time to time over the years, I've heard about the amazing contestant, the underdogs who blew Simon Cowell's minds. I sometime think that BGT is better than AI. You don't often see those kind of singers in AI, the ones who blow your socks off! ^^

From time to time, we do have to remind ourself, do not to judge a book by its cover ^_________^

from youtube:
Susan Boyle
Andrew Johnston
Paul Potts

go watch and be mesmerized ;P and... its okay to weep a bit , a did ^^ LOL

youtube, tv show, random

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