^_____________^ loving life!

Nov 25, 2010 17:03

 ^_^ ahhh! as you can see from the title, I am just sooo happy to day! Where do I start? XDD well today towards the end of  the day we did a physics test, well as my teacher calls it a friendly little assessment (yh right!)  now I was super as nervous but then once we did the test I was like ahh I won't have to find out the results for quite some time until next week, but then suddenly my teacher was like "okay time to mark!" I was like dam it! and of course when you mark your own work you're like please god let me get this one question for once!!! So like I was marking and I actually got the first row right ^^ and I was hmmm nice start, 7 question boxes later all of them were right and then ofc I got some wrong XDD but at the end I counted up all of the correct answers and I achieved a 29. Now then my teacher wrote up the grade boundaries, oh and btw this was a higher tier ^^ if you don't know what that is it's where you can achieve a grade higher than a C. So anyway I looked and I achieved a A! YES AN A!! I was screaming and even my 2 other friends achieved an A! god we were so happy x3 I'm soooo happy! I feel so proud of myself ^_^ but it shows hard core revision pays off so much! ^^ hehe and I just revised from only yesterday when she gave us a week notice lol I know, silly lil baka, haha you should meet me in real life ;DD

but anyway I was 3 marks away from A* I was a bit downed by that, but an A was enough for me ^_____^ but then right after it was the end of the day and of course I was given loads of hugs from my friends congratulating in achieving a A. I love them sooo much! <33 but right after we saw something white, finally the one thing I was waiting for! SNOW! it began to snow!! and knowing girls we of course screamed XDD soooo hopefully it is snowing and school will be cancelled! ^^ so I'm seriously going to pray that it snows heavy tonight!! I'm begging!!! seriously I am XDD

^____^ but yh that's what's happening atm and it happened all in one day! ^__^ oh and sadly I haven't been able to update the mmv atm due to studies but I will close my comment box for awhile to concentrate on studies since I want to maintain my good grades at the moment ^_____^ plus no offence who loves YT but it's kind of boring now ^^' but anyway might as well live reality instead of going internet 24/7 XDD

see you mina ;DD

LadySakuraHime xxx
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