National Novel Writing Month

Nov 09, 2012 11:17

For those of you who don't know. November is national novel writing month. Now I've known that for some time, but the truth is, I've never given it much thought. I am a writer, I say that, but for the most part, I am a girl with an over active imagination and not enough discipline to get it in line.

This means the idea of writing 50000 words in one months time h always seemed impossible, even knowing on a conscious and mathematical level that, that really just means 1667 words per day for 30 days, not bad actually, or even that many words.

I write all the time, what's 50000 words when you've written 100s of thousands of them over time? Well, 50000 words of coherent liner story telling are not as easy as one might think. I can write that is easy, but sitting down and doing it every day, and putting in the time and energy and keeping the story in order.

Some people get ready for NaNoWriMo. It's a concept I don't get. People say they won nanoerimo I am not sure what that actually means either, that they finished their novel, or that they wrote the required 50 thousand words. I don't know, but I do know that this year, on my first actual attempt at NaNoWriMo I am going to finish my 50 thousand most likely more than finish because as of today 11/9/2012 I have 30143 words. That means less than 20000 to go. If I can put that many words down on paper in less, then nine days because to be honest, I didn't write on day one, I shouldn't have trouble ever finishing a novel in 30 days. In fact, lets assume that I will have 35000 words by tomorrow. ( I might you never know) By the end of the month, at that pace I should be able to have 105000 words without trouble.

An average novel of the verity I write 80000 words, not so scary when you look at it this way is it?

Now time to work a full day at my paying job, and when I get home, put in some more NaNoWriMo time.

Blessings Bright and Beautiful.


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