Sep 03, 2007 11:24
It is Labor Day and what did I wake up at 5:15am to do? One guess. OKay fine, I'll tell you. I went to work (gasp!). Just as you think you're about to get a three- or more likely a one-day weekend, you are reminded by the little tune on your alarm clock that the world doesn't stop turning just because it's Labor Day. People have to eat, therefore, I have to cut and prepare. After being squirted about 15 times in the eye by the tomato juice from the dull-edged tomato slicer, I scoop out chunks of bulk potato salad into little cups. Four hours later, I sit in front of this computer and have that imminent feeling of having to go to my other job because the world doesn't stop turning for Labor Day. Yes, even defiant teenagers need to be slapped around on holidays. What's the point in having holidays if you have to work on them anyways? I guess it's just another reason for car dealerships to give you a "smokin' deal" and everything in the mall to go on sale.
I have moved to a condo in which I am determined required to live for at least a year. It's actually a very nice place: very spacious and we have our own laundry machines! I would hate to have to spend $20 in quarters after walking 4 loads of laundry down to public laundromats on a different floor, having to stay around so they don't get stolen, and having wasted half the day waiting and watching other people do the same. No thanks, I'm happy where I am. My roomates are all at least 2-4 years older than me, so strangely, I feel like I'm in the perfect crowd. As much as I love having a whiney, freshman roomate,... I can't complain about my situation.
School will start tomorrow. It's awkward that they would start school on a Tuesday and not on a Monday. Everything starts on Monday. To have a huge thing like this not start on a Monday is going to throw off my conceptual equilibrium of time. I am going to think that every week starts with my Tuesday schedule and I will feel put out by the awkwardness of it all. Gooooooo cougs!