I guess I should make a proper introduction, huh?
Uhm... My name is Grace Garland. I think some of you might know my brother, Johnny.
And..uh... some of you seemed to know me too? I'm not sure how that works but I'm sure we'll be friends! If there's anything I can do to help out around here, just let me know.
It's a pleasure to meet you all!
Locked to Killer;very hackable )
...why are you talking to him after what he did?
Or... should everyone just turn their backs on himbecause he did something bad?
[more clearly] There's doctors at the high school who can take care of him if he's sick. You shouldn't... I don't want you getting hurt just because you got the wrong person's attention.
I won't talk to him again, ok? No harm done.
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