Done! *whew*

Dec 19, 2008 11:14

I took my last final last night, and boy, that was the most time-consuming semester ever. I wrote 5 papers, read 5 textbooks, and took 3 exams. I'm glad that's over!

Unfortunately, I have a cold. I was in San Francisco last weekend for Stefy's wedding, and it was cold and rainy most of the time I was there. The wedding was fun though. Got to see a bunch of folks who I haven't seen it a while, including Ian, Jhoanna, Dr. Overkill and Leslie. Didn't get to chat much though because I was actually in the wedding. And I forgot to bring my camera, so no pics for you until I receive the official ones from Stefy.

I'm supposed to go to Brit's tonight for 80's Trivial Pursuit, but I'm not sure if I'm going to make it. I don't want to infect them with this cold that I've picked up, although I do feel the need to socialize.

Work is slow. They gave everyone a $500 bonus this year, which is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but significantly lower than the $3000 and $6000 bonuses of previous years. The good news is that I've already paid my tuition and all my bills, so the paycheck I got today can go towards Christmas gifts. Yay!!

I've decided my specialization for school. I want to go into redevelopment and infill. With the new anti-sprawl law, cities are establishing redevelopment agencies left and right. I think that's where I'll find a lot of job openings, anyway. Oh, and I'm excited to say that I was awarded admission to this conference in LA on Jan. 23rd through school: They were only allowed to pick one student, so I feel accomplished that they picked me!
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