So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

Jan 02, 2010 09:41

Don’t like? Read the book first.

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish is the fouth book of the Hitchhiker’s series.  This time, we come across Arthur Dent, who is miraculously back on Earth after having just hitchhiked 100,000 light years to get there.  Which is funny because Earth shouldn’t be here.  And on his way back to his house, which is still standing, he falls in love with a girl sedated because she thinks she’s a hedgehog.  In the company of a brother Arthur wouldn’t wish on a Vogon.  Through his travels, he meets her again, falls in love and tells her all about the Universe.  That’s when Ford Prefect shows back up and all three of them run out into space to see God’s final message to his creation.

This book is a lot more lighthearted than most of them and actually has a happy, fuzzy-feeling ending.  There are less explanations of things from the Guide here and less face time for anyone but Arthur.  In fact, Ford only shows up a couple of times and Zaphod and Trillian don’t show up at all.  But what it doesn’t have it makes up for by making you think about some things a little more.  He throws in a few things that really make you question bits of the entire series.  You start to put a puzzle together a little bit more before realizing your still missing half the pieces. 

review, hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, fiction, series, spoilers, sci-fi, book, comedy

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