Little Update

Aug 27, 2014 13:39

I know I don't use this often.  I don't actually have the time to write reviews (much less anything) anymore.  But I try, and I still manage to write some things.

To those who care, you can keep track of me much more often by following my Tumblr.

But the other reason why I'm posting on here less is because LJ keeps changing the fucking Rich Text Editor and I can't do dick with it the way I want to anymore. (Seriously.  Like, I hit the backspace key and it backs me up to the fucking beginning of the sentence.  What is this shit?)

So here's the deal.  You can either follow my main blog where I post like everything I've ever written.

Or you can follow the individual links as I post them here.  I'm not going to try and transfer over what I write in Word anymore because LJ just can't handle it.


The latest two popular media related blog posts are as follows

In Defense of Emilie Autumn

...And on the Subject of EA

Thank you and have a wonderful day.

ranting, music, update, emilie autumn

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