TnT or The Order of the Salmon

Oct 29, 2007 14:28

...which is the award I jokingly tried to have Baroness Martelle give to those of us who labored upstream (95-N) to Rocks on Friday night.

6 freaking hours to do a 2 hour (at BEST)trip. Argh.

Camping: Never EVER again unless I have a cabin where I invite the occupants or my own pavillion. Could not sleep, bed hard and NO SHOWER on Saturday morning. WHO DO I KILL????

Troll: Domina Szilagy Margit and I worked most of the day with some assistance by the fabulous Lady Ingeborj and Lady Yseulte. I taught my lady Nichola to do count out. (One job down, 1 to go on the Teaching of the Mysteries of Exchequer-hood.) Went nicely - Lord Corwin gave us short breaks for things and we did quite well.

Camping: Did I mention Never Again?

Food: Super! Well cooked, well seasoned, tasty, mostly hot when it should be hot and cold when it should be cold. Yummyness ensued.

Booze: Oh My Gawd..... I have Some Willpower, or I would sucked down an entire bottle of desert mead entered into the brewing contest. Since there were not enough baronial entries, I have been asked to remain as Baronial Brewer for the coming year. And Now I Have A Cunning Plan....

Event: A Fine time despite enough rain to drown Noah. People had fun - when some events had to be cancelled for safety reasons, people made their own fun! I'm only sorry I had to leave after seems I missed the singing and story-telling. Next year!

Site: This may be heresy,as I know a lot of folks have deep attachments to Rocks, but I think the site sucks. But I go where the barony goes, and since I didn't do any of the work to procure a site, I'll deal. I know that next year's TnT is being planned for Rocks. I'm not camping - you hear me?

All in all a very good event.

And I hurt today....

bright hills

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