Sick, Sick, Sick

Oct 13, 2007 14:24

The Crusader and I have been ill all week - up until last night, him more so than I.

I have had a sore throat all week, and yesterday, when I could not get to a regular doctor, he took me to a Doc in the Box. Said Doc was great, and I'm going back to talk to him and see if he has a private practice. He was TERRIFIC!!!!!!!!!!

I have infected sinuses, fluid build-up behind the ears, and all of this contributes to the sore throat.

UNFORTUNATELY, something he prescribed really set me off and I have been vomiting since 9 last night. It let up around 4 this morning and I got about 3 1/2 hours sleep before it started up again. Still in the 'oh, Ghod, I would feel better if I could throw up" stage, but after consultation with The World's Best Mother-in-Law, am doing my best to break that cycle.

Needless to say, because I was too stupid to come downstairs to the living room, I managed to wake The Crusader everytime I got up to hurl (about a 20 minute cycle), and at 7:15 the animals got into it. The night before I got about 4 hours of sleep, so I am dragging - he's very close behind me in the exhaustion category.

SOOOO, if I promised you something, please give me a little time to get over this before restarting the timer on me.

I think I need to go hurl again.....
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