May 13, 2006 15:47

I made it a goal this year to lose 10 lbs. To start exercising.

Well-a-day, I have lost my 10 lbs. and am 3/4 of the way to losing the next 10. AND over half way to losing my year goal!

I know myself well enough that if I set out to lose all that I need to I will never start, but 10 lbs is a doable goal. And I done it!

In fact I done it to the tune of 17 lbs!!!!

13 more to go - then I set a new "year" goal.

And I'm walking with Crusaderdrake and the hounds most every day and following that with time on the recumbent bike.

Next week I add in 5 minutes of weights (to tone up my Rocky the Flying Squirrel upper arms).

AND once I find the DVD, I will be trading off biking with belly dance every other day.

I'm completely scandalized. Where is the girl who used to get her exercise strolling slowly to the fridge for a Diet Pepsi?

Enjoying being able to go up and down the stairs in her house without huffing and puffing. (Unless carrying a heavy basket of clothes...(wink)).

goals, weight loss

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