Dec 14, 2016 23:26
I'm a winner!!! Very surprisingly my 1 $10 ticket bought late in the game was drawn at the EGA National Seminar 2016 (that I didn't attend). So now there is $2000.00 to spend on attending 2017 EGA National Seminar in Asheville, NC. It covers registration, half of my hotel room, $25/day per diem, and traveling expenses. Whippee!!
Given that I toyed with the idea attending next year, it's karma. So the plan thus far is for DH and I to go down earlier and visit his sister in Shebly, then he drops me off at seminar on his way home. Then I'll either fly home or hitch a ride with someone from my area. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes as planned.
DH gave me his nasty cold. Shame on him.