Oh my Lord

Jul 15, 2004 19:45

I'm tired. The nieces are back where they belong and Sir Nicholas is in bed...not asleep yet, but in bed all the same. Yep, I think God is reinforcing it in my little pea brain that one kid is the most I can handle. 3 is more than I can watch safely.

Example: at the park there is a little creek that runs along one side of it. (you can hear the story coming already, can't you?) My oldest niece, Amelia, and her sister, Maria, were sitting on a picnic table, next to a fence which was next to the creek. I howler at the kids it's time to pack up and go when SN is done with his bottle. Amelia runs over to where I am and asked if they can please have 5 more minutes by the creek. Okay, I said. So, I turn my attention to packing things up, keeping Nicholas on the blanket and then look up. NO girls anywhere in sight!!! Just Maria little travel blanket sitting on top of that picnic table. WHAT?! I scoop up Nicholas and start looking around for the girls. No where in sight!! I start running over to where Maria's blanket is.....where can they be?! Could someone of grabbed them in the minute I wasn't looking? I get next to the picnic table and hear little voices down by the creek. "GIRLS!!! GET UP HERE RIGHT NOW!!", I roared. 2 little startled faces come up the bank towards me. Yep, the little monkey's had crawled over the fence and down by the water.

They were amazed at how mad I was. Amelia reminded me that she had asked if they could be by the creek. Total miscommunication between an adult and a kid. When she asked to have 5 more minutes by the creek, I thought it was sitting on that picnic table and looking over the fence at it. She meant, we're going to crawl over the fence, go down to the water and up stream so we're completely out of your sight. Oh, now I get it.

To say the least, I was very afraid that I'd let something awful happen to my sisters kids. It all turned out okay in the end, but for 1 incredibly long minute I wasn't sure it would.
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