Today has been all about the NOW.
Living for the very second you exist in, enjoying the simple act of breathing deep. Feeling the ripples of the rivers of time and reality move around you, as if you were the stone.
and being in the right place at the right time.
I got a lot accomplished at work today. Organized, updated, filed, created 5 different designs for the art projects that I'm working on for the President of the school (who has threatened only half-jokingly to steal me away from the accountant who hired me.. I half-jokingly replied that she could happily steal me away for $45K,, and her response was a very serious "Let me consider that." @_@)
I'll post the designs as soon as they are in a size that will not make computers spontaneously explode.
Oh yeah.. and I delivered a baby today too.
I must say, at this point, a big thank you to my friend
kolibri, who is a doula, and the extensive conversations that we've had regarding childbirth and etc. And to my own mother, who allowed me to be there to see both of my younger brothers born.
this was merely a "right place at the right time" kind of thing.. One of the students at the massage school fainted from heat exhaustion, which also induced labor. They brought her into the office, to get her out of the hallway, until the paramedics could get there. She was starting to panic.. and so was everyone else.. and I sat down next to her, told one person to talk to the 911 person, one person to go grab some towels and some water, and one person to go grab x, x, and x from the essential oils cabinet in the bookstore.
All I really did was sit with the mom, talk to her, help her relax using what little bit of pressure points, massage, herbs, and just being a center of calmness. A quiet pool.. and I caught her daughter right about the same time that the paramedics came in.
Talk about an amazing thing. Feeling her first tiny breath, and seeing the mom's face..
I talked with the other paramedic for a minute or two as I was cleaning up (childbearing is very goopy and icky..but you don't notice until AFTER..) and as they were loading mom and new daughter up in the ambulance. He seemed rather impressed that I did what I did.. I just shrugged and said "I was there, and she needed someone who could be calm.. I was the only calm one.. so I did what I needed to do. That's all."
One of the massage instructors (and co-workers) turned to me and said "Aromatherapy, herbology, graphic design, blacksmithing, meditation.. What DON'T you do?!"
My response? Beaming back at her with a smile I couldn't contain... "Fly."