
Nov 11, 2010 23:01

So, I have been back on a kick with studying the Holocaust. I go through phases with this and have watched some interesting documentaries on Netflix and such. I am curious though and there hasn't been much information on this. Mostly I have heard a little bit about it, saw someone on my facebook post a video about the swimming pools and grocery stores they had at Aushwitz for the prisoners, and some morons posting comments on YouTube videos about the great Jewish Conspiracy.

Call me crazy- the people who were there, including Nazi soldiers and SS men admit to doing it and having it happen. If the 11 million people who were murdered by Nazi Germany actually weren't then where did they all go? And if it's a Jewish conspiracy- then why did they bother to kill all of the homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Gypsies and other POWs? Are they all hiding in some secret underground wonderland?

Can anybody explain how this can even make sense? There is video record, photographic record, and many of the buildings still stand. Plus eye witness testimony from both the victims and the perpetrators.

nablopomo, history

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