Dec 13, 2009 13:04
"Artists' studios and scientists' laboratories share similarities as well, with a large number of projects going at once, in various stages of incompletion. Both require specialized tools, and the results are--unlike the final plans for a suspension bridge, or the tallying of money in a bank account at the end of the business day-- open to interpretation. What artists and scientists have in common is the ability to live in an open-ended state of interpretation and reinterpretation of the products of our work. The work of artists and scientists is ultimately the pursuit of truth, but members of both camps understand that truth is in its very nature contextual and changable, dependent on point of view, and that today's truths become tomorrow's disproven hypotheses or forgoten objets d'art."
- This is your Brain on Music by Daniel Levitin
unwashed geekery,
quote book