I stole this from SummerJackel, who always has the best memes.
Think of a word beginning with the letter 'A'. Note the first word which comes into your head. Then immediately think of a word beginning with 'B', and so on, through the entire alphabet. Try not to look at or revisit your notes during this process. Nonsense words are absolutely allowed.
When you're finished, post the words and these rules in your LJ; put the entire list behind an lj-cut so that you don't hijack someone's thoughts accidentally. Repeat as necessary.
A Alabama
B Bones
C Cthulu
D Danny
E Energy
F Failure
G Goddamnit
H Harry Potter
I Inner tube
J Jesse James
K Kanasta
L Llama-face
M Monkey Party
N Neener neener neener
O Open Paw*
P Pandora
Q Questions
R 'Rasslin'
S Seething
T Turnstile
U Uvula*
V Velocity
W Wendigo
X Xylophone
Y Yeti
Z Zamboni
*Open Paw is a program we practice at the animal shelter of having buckets of kibble on the dogs cages and having people feed them. It helps them be more social and to have them connect people and food in a positive manner in the shelter environment. It's pretty cool!