101 things in 1001 days... updated!

Dec 26, 2008 18:07

They plowed the parking lot! now.. how am I gonna get my car out without a shovel... >_>

I had to re-do a couple of my goals...

If crossed out- completed.
If bolded - in progress
if italics - failed
if standard, none of the above...

I have completed... 16/101
In progress... 16/101
Failed... 4/101
Of those failed, related to DoveLewis and rebadged... 2/4
total really failed... 2/101

1. Go to Mt Hood
2. Go to Dante's Club in Downtown Portland
3. Attend Wet Nose Soiree (nov 1, 2008)
4. Call my mom more often (ongoing!)
5. Go to FC '09
6. Pay off credit card debt (have a debt management plan!)
7. Make plan to pay off dad
8. Go visit Nana
9. Work Rainfurrest '09
10. Buy another copic marker holder
11. Grow flowers from seeds
12. Call Brady (I texted him- didn't go great.. might need new goal *Sadface*)
13. Hang out with Sarah and Ed (10/2008)
14. Go to Indonesia to visit Dad
15. Attend my sister's wedding in Alaska (planned for July 09)
16. Let Lauran move in with me (11/7/08)
17. Go to the dentist (11/6/08)
18. Go to the doctor
19. Read 50 books (no repeats and keep track of them) (9/50)
Foundation by Mercedes Lackey
The Gallery of Regrettable Foods by James Lileks
The Amazing Mackeral Pudding Plan by Wendy McClure
Alive by Piers Paul Read
Killer Queen - the Freddie Mercury Story - by Roy Fox
The Man who Killed a Shark and Other Tales of Drunken Debauchery by Noel Boivin and Christopher Lombardo
House Unauthorized by Leah Wilson
Passive Aggressive Notes by Kerry Miller
Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fischer
In process:
Welcome to Temptation
Voices from Chernobyl
20. Cook 10 new recipes (3/10)
11/11/08 Pumpkin roll
12/23/08 Super Easy Sugar Cookies
12/25/08 Bisquick Coffee Cake
21. Make dinner with Deana for Jason and Lauran (11/27/08)
22. Visit my mother (planned for 01/2009)
23. Establish local vet for Honey Boy
24. Only eat fast food once a month (Failed 11/6/08)
25. eat out less than once a week
26. complete NoBloPoMo '08 (11/30/08)
27. Donate art to Link to Life
28. Vote in '08 election (11/4/08)
29. Replace milk crates with real furniture (11/08)
30. Have picnic with Lauran
31. Do trust exercises with Lauran and Jason
32. Create a comic and post online
33. Explore downtown Portland
34. Walk/Trimet more (working on it.. but the buses make me carsick)
35. Exercise 3x week for at least 2 months straight (0/24)
36. eat more veggies (working on it!)
37. Take life drawing class
38. Take japanese class
39. Buy Caroline in the City series
40. buy seasons 1-3 of House MD (0/3)
41. Buy Seasons 1-2 of Heroes (0/2)
42. Vaccinate my cat on time
43. donate to charity
44. go to Oregon Zoo
45. Go to Woodland Park Zoo
46. Teach Jacob how to make apple pie
47. Organize my scrapbooking stuff
48. Finish my old scrapbooks
49. buy a new car
50. Move into 2 bedroom apartment
51. Do more karaoke (12/2008 heck yes! thank you for being fired!)
52. Drink 2 glasses of water a day (Failed 10/31/08)
53. Tell my partner every day that I love him (ongoing)
54. Call Stewart (11/15/2008)
55. visit Humboldt (planned for fall 2009)
56. Visit LA
57. Call in on the radio (10/30/08)
58. Make bed twice a week (ongoing!)
59. Go to Seattle Furry BBQ if invited
60. Meet Lauran's parents
61. Refill prescriptions for back pain meds
62. Get a dog
63. Make pumpkin-cream cheese roll (11/11/08)
64. go to Jason and Deana's church (12/07/08)
65. finish a cross stitch project
66. Hem my work pants (no longer relevant...) NEW goal: Go out with Jason for a night
67. Don't let the dishes pile up for days (ongoing!)
68. Get a massage
69. Eat at the French Laundry
70. go to the Oregon Coast
71. go to the Columbia Gorge
72. Loose 50 lbs (0/50)
73. Change phone number to area code 971
74. have a party at my house
75. Beat Donkey Kong Country
76. Drink no soda for a month (0/30)
77. Go to a concert
78. Go to a theater show
79. Take my boyfreind on a date (11/1/2008)
80. Celebrate my anniversary (12/1/2008)
81. Buy refill inks for commonly used copics
82. Go to a Unitarian church service
83. Go to Yellowstone
84. Take a road trip
85. Have a pedicure
86. Have a facial
87. Draw almost every day (ongoing!)
88. Work on my confidence
89. Work on accepting compliments
90. Write 101 things before my shift ends (10/30/08)
91. Attend Russian Orthodox Mass
92. Swim once weekly when pool is open
93. try Indian food
94. Have an auction on Furbuy
95. Volunteer at a DoveLewis event (no longer relevant...) NEW GOAL: find new employment!
96. Buy a griddle
97. buy a vegetable peeler
98. Do a scrabook for every year (0.5/3)
99. Take vitamins daily for at least a month
100. Open an IRA
101. Go to OMSI

101 things, snow storm

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