Fic: Splashes of Crimson

Aug 21, 2008 16:26

Title: Splashes of Crimson
Characters: Sam, mention of Dean
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Warnings: Character death.
Spoilers: 3.16 No Rest for the Wicked
Disclaimer: Don't own - just playing in somebody else's sandbox.
Summary: Sam's thoughts moments after Dean's death.

A/N: Written for spn_drabble.  The prompt was Blood.

Dean’s blood.

It was everywhere, his hands, his coat, his shirt, his pants.  Splashes and smears already tacky to the touch, irrevocably staining everything a dark crimson.

He’ll never be able to remove all of it and yet was strangely at ease with that fact.  Anyone who saw him should know the truth, should be privy to his failure.  It would serve as a warning, keep away, not reliable.

He’d lost.  Lost the race against time, lost the solution, and because of it, his brother.

All he had left now was a scattering of bloodstains.

His big brother’s blood.


prompt drabble, gen fic

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