This guy totally stole my s/n!

Aug 07, 2003 22:19

hatebeautyrage: Man, awesome s/n!
XhatebeautyrageX: hahahaha
XhatebeautyrageX: what is it
hatebeautyrage: Are you the cory that pierced Dez?
XhatebeautyrageX: yes
hatebeautyrage: Yeah this is Tracy and you totally ripped off my s/n
hatebeautyrage: because I've totally talked to you before on this name
XhatebeautyrageX: hahahaha
XhatebeautyrageX: yup
hatebeautyrage: wow
hatebeautyrage: that makes you the loser of the century
hatebeautyrage: be original
XhatebeautyrageX: yeah

XhatebeautyrageX: i did
hatebeautyrage: X's do not make you original
hatebeautyrage: they make you a fag
XhatebeautyrageX: no shit
XhatebeautyrageX: not like i fucking use this name
hatebeautyrage: and stealing a chick's s/n makes you more of a fag
XhatebeautyrageX: i simply fucking made it so that i didn't have stupid people to im me
XhatebeautyrageX: so when you fucking think about it there really isnt a fucking thing that is original
XhatebeautyrageX: and props for the kewl name
XhatebeautyrageX: so if you want to be a cunt then fuck yourself
hatebeautyrage: It was original I'm not the one with X's in my name
XhatebeautyrageX: wow big fucking deal
XhatebeautyrageX: so fast to be so judgeamental
hatebeautyrage: How was I being judgmental
XhatebeautyrageX: fucking calling me a fag for using the name
hatebeautyrage: You obviously aren't being original ie stealing my s/n
hatebeautyrage: You are fag because he stole a chick's s/n
XhatebeautyrageX: im not trying to have a original name to hide from jackasses
XhatebeautyrageX: so fucking what
XhatebeautyrageX: im not trying to show the name off and take credit for it
hatebeautyrage: It's not like it was an accident you made this name
XhatebeautyrageX: is someone asked i would be like yeah i got it from this chicks name cause it was catchy
hatebeautyrage: you copied it
XhatebeautyrageX: so shit
hatebeautyrage: that makes you a loser holmes
hatebeautyrage: you might as well put some numbers after it
hatebeautyrage: or made the s/n like sweetie baby or something
XhatebeautyrageX: or maybe you should fucking learn that not everything is about fashion
hatebeautyrage: Wait lets me do something that you have pretty much trademarked and lets see if you get pierced
hatebeautyrage: **pissed**
hatebeautyrage: This isn't even about fashion this is about you being a complete douche
XhatebeautyrageX: well i got a custom piercing and if you got it done then i would be like that's kewl
XhatebeautyrageX: but as long as your not being like yeah it was all my idea and bla bla bla
hatebeautyrage: People aren't going to be like yeah dude where'd you get that awesome s/n
hatebeautyrage: wow that's crrraaazzzy
hatebeautyrage: no
hatebeautyrage: it doesn't happen like that
hatebeautyrage: face it
XhatebeautyrageX: i dont fucking care dude
XhatebeautyrageX: i dont give a shit
hatebeautyrage: you're a fag with no creativity
hatebeautyrage: and you're even more gay cause you stole it from a girl
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skyth H2O: here so suck my dick
hatebeautyrage: You really want to get your ass beat
hatebeautyrage: fucking fag fonderlier I'll end you
skyth H2O: no just tierd of your bullshit
skyth H2O: strait up
hatebeautyrage: My bullshit
hatebeautyrage: HA!
hatebeautyrage: I'm the one that stopped talking to you
hatebeautyrage: because you're a fucking pot smoking asshole
skyth H2O: dude im on my name drop it its fucking over and shut up and dont talk to me cause i have no desire to hear a fucking thing you say
skyth H2O: ohhhhhhhhhhh
skyth H2O: i smoke weed
hatebeautyrage: and you think smoking a dube with stop the worlds grief
hatebeautyrage: If you don't desire to hear a thing from me don't steal shit from me
skyth H2O: no but it will fucking calm my sore body after fucking working my ass off all day
skyth H2O: i dont have to hide from problem cause i fucking take care of my shit
hatebeautyrage: Smoking weed does not solve your problems
hatebeautyrage: you're not very smart are you?
skyth H2O: hahaha
skyth H2O: i smoke weed to solve my problems
hatebeautyrage: than what are you talking about
skyth H2O: see so early to jump to conclusions
skyth H2O: your the one that brought it up
skyth H2O: haha
hatebeautyrage: we were just talking about smoking weed and than solving problems which was indicated that you smoking weed solved your problems
skyth H2O: well i dont have any problems
skyth H2O: i have a good band
skyth H2O: good buisness
skyth H2O: getting a new truck
hatebeautyrage: If your band is so good how come I've never heard of them?
skyth H2O: and things are good
skyth H2O: WTF? im not braging about my band all i simply said is that where good. We are not a big band yet cause where still writing shit.
skyth H2O: but were doing good
skyth H2O: things are badass and if you did hear us you would probly be impressed
skyth H2O: honestly with no bullshit
hatebeautyrage: probably not we don't need another sublime
skyth H2O: hahahaha
skyth H2O: shit
hatebeautyrage: or a kurt go-bang
hatebeautyrage: eat a dick
skyth H2O: our shit is more like chimiara/fear factory
hatebeautyrage: wow both of the those bands suck
skyth H2O: dude then fuck off
skyth H2O: get the fuck off my screen
hatebeautyrage: so you must suck 2 times the dick
skyth H2O: if all you got to do is bitch then take it to someone that thinks its worth hearing
skyth H2O: if all you got to do is bitch then take it to someone that thinks its worth hearing
hatebeautyrage: The only reason why I'll bitching to you is because you're an uncreative fag toucher
skyth H2O: shut the fuck up
skyth H2O: you dont know the first fucking thing about me
hatebeautyrage: I know that you have the brain capacity of a fly
skyth H2O: if all you want to do is critisize then go fuck your self serously cause you must not get good dick if all you do is bitch
skyth H2O: oh man i think im gonna cry
hatebeautyrage: you get enough dick for the both of us
skyth H2O: be original and find a weak spot not the old school "you suck dick"
skyth H2O: nobody gives a shit about that.
hatebeautyrage: you're telling me to be original!
skyth H2O: nice profile that's about well over a 100 times have i seen that one
skyth H2O: yah
hatebeautyrage: hey at least I came up with all of my own s/ns
hatebeautyrage: Yeah since it's automatic with trillian
hatebeautyrage: and since I was one of the first busters to have trillian
hatebeautyrage: It's kinda hillarious how you told me to be original
skyth H2O: are you fucking stupid do you not under stand what if you are gonna sit here and fucking bitch then shut the fuck up or take it somewhere else
hatebeautyrage: you are aware that you do have the capability of not reponding or going on your other s/n to get away from Jackasses
skyth H2O: i want to but its so tempting just to fight back
hatebeautyrage: haha this is you fighting back
skyth H2O: or its just the temptation of wanting to prove to you that im not as fucking stupid as you think
skyth H2O: sorry for putting it in wrong terms
hatebeautyrage: wow and everytime you say something you just get more and more dumb
skyth H2O: well here this is simple for both of us. Your a cunt.and go fuck your self
hatebeautyrage: wow that was good
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